
baile/baile, “Scotland’s most remote club night”, is launching in the Scottish Highlands

today23/10/2023 3

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baile/baile, a new winter club series hosted in the remote Scottish Highlands village of Ullapool, is set for its first event on November 4.

Every night will be headlined by a DJ that represents the north of Scotland, with Moray Leisure Centre, Corran, Miss Cabbage and Comrade Massie representing Forres, Fort William, Tain and Aberdeenshire respectively.

It takes its name from the Scottish Galeic word baile, meaing “township/village”, and the Spanish word baile, meaing “a dance”.

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The night will also host Scottish DJs such as Edinburgh’s Smiff, Feena and Sandy Woodhouse and Glasgow-based Joey Mousepads. Founder Sigi Whittle and resident DJ Jemima Fasakin will play each night, with two slots for locals who have never played in a club lined up too.

baile/baile’s debut on November 4, taking place at 100-capacity music hub and exhibition space the Ceilidh Place, is the start of a four party-series that will go on throughout the winter. Providing its success, a day party in the summer is also in the works.

Funding from the Ullapool Harbour Trust has helped finance the series.

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In conversation with Press and Journal, Whittle explained that baile/baile was started in response to the lack of any real nightlife in the Highlands.

“After chatting to quite a few folk, we quickly saw that lots of punters and DJs were really keen. So aye, here we are!” Sigi said.

A combination of a lack of variety that young people need to “properly express themselves” and the slim chances of buying in the village has forced most of Whittle’s friends out of Ullapool.

The Scottish DJ also cites boredom as a massive issue: “People are bored and that’s the unfortunate reality that we need to change. The Highlands need not be this quiet and tranquil – it can and should be exciting.”

Rather than the idyllic beauty and tranquil of the region, Whittle is obsessed with “the piecemeal approach that the Highlands encourages” and it is this spirit that he looks to channel through baile/baile.

Buy ticket’s to baile/baile’s first night here

[via: Press and Journal]

Tibor Heskett is Mixmag’s Digital Intern, follow him on Twitter

Written by: Tim Hopkins

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