
“No to racism in any form”: HOUSE AGAINST HATE threw a protest rave on the Prime Minister’s doorstep


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“I was last night outside Hackney Town Hall in support of [Diane Abbott], and I was actually moved by the number of people there. At a few hours notice, 2,000 people came and showed their support for their MP,” Corbyn told Mixmag. “That doesn’t happen very often, if ever, in British society, and it shows the love and solidarity there is for her for the abuse that she has received, the death threats, and the systematic abuse and the denigration of her, and her strength in standing up against it.”

The Islington North MP was also joined on the day by MCs including comedian and drag queen Jonny Woo, and British fashion designer Katharine Hamnett, who pulled off her T-shirt on stage to reveal another calling for the end of Israel’s attack on Gaza, which was recently ruled as “plausibly” amounting to genocide by a US court. Drag Race star Bimini Bon-Boulash also delivered a speech on stage, later speaking to Mixmag about dance music’s role in fighting racism and the oppression of immigrants in the UK. “Dance music was created for joy, especially house music which came off the back of Black, queer, Latino people in the ‘70s and ‘80s,” they explained. “It’s why we’re here today, it’s all about love. That’s something the Tories will never get because they don’t know what love is.”

Written by: Tim Hopkins

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