
The Mix 016: Big Ang


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Do you think Sheffield misses a club like Niche? Is there anything in the city that captures a bit of that magic?

Tank has Sidney Street reunions, which is closest to Niche as you can get these days. All original residents and producers of the music that played in there now play at these reunions, the crowd is amazing — like in the old days. I stopped going to Niche when it got a bit too heavy with 4×4, as the crowd changed. But that same music is also getting a resurgence and mixed in with UKG, bassline house, organ and similar genres all working together in sets. The scene seems a lot better at the moment I think, which is probably because young ravers are discovering it for the first time.

Do you think more attention should be paid to artists from Yorkshire/The North of England?

I think there are artists not only in Yorkshire, but the West Midlands who I also think deserve recognition too. I’m happy that Jeremy Sylvester is also getting the recognition he deserves. Had the pleasure to meet and play alongside him.

What is it about bassline that you love so much? What attracted you to the sound in the first place?

I don’t know, but when I first heard a Shaun Banger Scott set playing this sort of music I was hooked. It just seemed to be something more than playing popular tunes back then. These were good tunes that were hard to get, that was the appeal of the DJs and the night in general. Jamie Duggan used to impress me with his sniper tune hunting.

Did you ever find it difficult to navigate dance music as a woman in the early days? Have you ever found the industry to be sexist?

Yes, to a certain degree — but I take no nonsense. I’ve been blessed to play on all kinds of nights, and having that belief in the music and your ability is a tough thing to keep up consistently. I think that’s why I’ve found a lot of women ravers, DJs and producers find me approachable — I’m friendly and can help motivate those who doubt themselves and their talent. If I can do it anyone can is my motto [laughs]. I have connected with some good guys like Eddie Craig and Jim Sullivan [Wideboys]. They are such lovely people. Eddie regularly motivates me with his kind words, and I even still can’t believe that.

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Can you tell us about your favourite ever show?

It was recently actually, at Corsica Studios for Lukas Wigflex’s party. That was a good one and there were some good videos on Instagram from that one. But there have been some great ones, too many to recall. I can’t believe how many times I’ve played in London in the last year as well. I enjoyed Bassfest and Balter/Off Me Nut last weekend, and a recent set with Soul Mass Transit System. Epic sets also this year with Silva Bumpa, who I went b2b with in Leeds, London and Manchester — all of which are very proud moments indeed. Lovely people they are. Talented as well, beyond belief. Oh and a recent story from my festival weekend, a wild baby sparrow landed on my hand when I had a break from driving from Cumbria to my home. Wanted to share my Mary Poppins magical moment, it was a special end to the weekend.

What do you hope crowds take away from your music and DJ sets?

I’m not too sure, other than I like to hope people find enjoyment and inspiration from my vibes as a musician and as a person. I like having a giggle with ravers as I see myself as one. I want to be a part of the scene, be a brother and sister to my music counterparts and I look forward to DJing at gigs with a lot of the people I’ve mentioned.

What’s coming up next for you?

A few bits and bobs, I just played at Carpet Shop in London with Finn and I have future events at Sheffield Clubbers Reunion and Niche Reunion, as well as Bassfest. Joe Hunt’s event in Birmingham, No Bounds Festival [in Sheffield] and a few other places. Bristol might be on the cards. I want to get some music done in between these events as well. A collaboration or two is on the cards for the future, as well as my own projects. I’ve enjoyed making official remixes for Eliza Rose, Driia, Mella Dee, Borai, Chrissy and Denham Audio, they have all been a pleasure to be involved in. And my mate Joe from Nottingham let me ‘Ride The Waltzer‘ as well.

Can you tell us about your instalment of The Mix?

It’s a homage to music that I’m loving at the moment, with a few of my own cheeky remixes thrown in. It’s only a small selection of the amazing music out there. Will try and put a surprise or two, and I hope people enjoy the mix I’ve done.

Megan Townsend is Mixmag’s Deputy Editor, follow her on Twitter

Written by: Tim Hopkins

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