
Catching Up With Sikdope

today04/04/2023 4

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Q – Where are you in the world right now?
In Europe getting ready for London and then my Asia tour! 

Q – Tell us about the first track that put you on the map in the electronic scene and the journey since. How did you get started?
I started with underground raves. I remember attending one when I was like 16. I said to myself “wow this music is amazing I wanna make something like that in the future.” Either way I knew that I wanna do something music related because I attended to music school for 9 years playing piano it end up being a music producer and a DJ. I think the tune that put me on the map in electronic scene was my collab with Borgore called Unicorn Zombie Apocalypse It has over 143 million plays on YouTube alone atm.  

Q – Tell us something we wouldn’t normally know about you?
Once a month I personally go through like 1000 tunes I get on my promo email from upcoming dis and labels and picking some cool ones to my sets, radio shows! 
Q – What is one life philosophy or mantra you like to live by?
What happened in the past is history, what is going to happen is unknown, what Is relevant is present moment so try to live it. 

Q – What single night out has been most memorable for you as a DJ?
My first show in Thailand when 20 thousand people been singing along one of my tunes. 

Q – Dream collaboration and why?
Bring me the horizon. They do for rock scene what Skrillex does for electronic – crossing boundaries 

Q – Give us the name of one track that never gets old for you no matter how many times you listen to it?
Slipknot – Duality

Q – Is there a venue or city you’ve yet to play that you really want to?
Yes ministry of sound London! I heard so much amazing things about it. 

Q – What projects do you have coming up in 2023?
I have a lot of exciting new music on the way, but the one Im most hyped about right now is my collaboration with Australian duo Interupt and my upcoming single with Tima Dee called more is more. You don’t wanna miss those out! 

Q – What are you most excited about playing in the Box at London’s most iconic venue, Ministry of Sound?
The crowd! Some dj friends told me that the vibe is next level! 
Q – Finally… What can you promise fans ahead of your set on Saturday 8th April? Will you be playing any new music?

Yes! Half of my set probably gonna be unreleased stuff! If you’ve never seen Sikdope live I promise you  a lot of energy and a good time! 


Written by: Tim Hopkins

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