Club Ready DJ School

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Club Ready DJ School

5 Track DJ Challenge

I had so much fun DJing this. The challenge: a student in the Club Ready Tribe (winner of previous round), selects a genre, selects 5 tracks form that genre and then posts in the Club Ready Tribe group and students then create a mix using those 5 tracks and can share in the group and students in the group vote and give feedback. This is a great skill building exercise, […]

today18/07/2023 19

Club Ready DJ School

DJ Phrasing and Pro Level Looping

Everyone asks: how do you know where to exit your DJ loops so everything lines up / phrases perfectly? In this video I give you the secret sauce that all pro DJs know! Take advantage of the summer sale on my Club Ready DJ Course - set to end any moment now:

today11/07/2023 16

Club Ready DJ School

5 Pro DJ Transitions using Loops

If you want to know how to include loops and looping into your DJ sets this video has you covered. I start by diving into things that could go wrong (a video in itself on how to trouble shoot DJ looping) and then take it further with several examples on how you can use looping to take your DJ Transitions to the next level. Check out the EOFY / summer […]

today27/06/2023 13

Club Ready DJ School

Getting Started as a DJ and Choosing Music Genres

Are you just getting started as a DJ and are confused by all the different music genres and unsure which genre you should focus on, then this video covers everything you'll need to understanding music genres, picking a genre and also a tip so you can play every music genre like a boss!! My Club Ready DJ Course is on sale and covers EVERYTHING you'll need to know to DJ […]

today23/05/2023 10
