Club Ready Radio Dance Freex Radio
How will this LP compare to past releases like ‘Moves’ or ‘Alpha Bravo’?
There’s a lot more of my own vocals on there which I didn’t really do a lot before, it’s kind of showing what I’ve been doing with that side of things. I feel like it’s a little bit more disco-orientated. On my other releases, there was always a slight garagey ode to England, and I think on the next tunes I’ll get back into that sound — but this one’s a lot more ‘80s disco-inspired.
This album doesn’t use any samples, only live instruments and vocals. What was that process like?
It felt really natural, actually, a lot of the music just came out naturally either in the sessions, or I’d have some chords pre-planned. But Ziggy is a really great drummer, so those are the tracks that I worked with him on, we just start with a rhythmic element. Then it’s really quite natural and straightforward because I feel like we just play off each other. Maybe he’ll have a little motif or some idea and then I can just play on top of that, or in a response to him, so it just rolls like a band – really dynamic. So that’s what we tried to do, I just wanted to get the whole band feel in the album rather electronic and move a little bit more towards the songwriting element, because I feel like that’s maybe the future for me.
Read this next: In Session: Jockstrap
You work really closely with Toy Tonics, how did that relationship come about?
In Berlin, Toy Tonics were supporting me a lot and I was getting booked for some of their parties, they’ve also got a lot of connections to studios and fashion and the people around that community. London had always been great and I feel like now it’s starting to be a lot more inclusive for me, but back in those times, it felt a little cliquey.I’m from Leytonstone, which isn’t really a cultural hub for music! I had a little group in Berlin who I could meet up with and give ideas or collaborate with a lot easier than in London, I feel like Berlin was just a little bit more open to me. Maybe it’s just an age thing, though, I was younger back then.
What inspired that move back to London from Berlin?
I felt like the London vibe was getting good and people were noticing me more, I have more connections and collaborators with other artists here. I feel like I’ve just created those friendship groups which I didn’t really have before when I was in Berlin, so now it feels more open for me. I’ve also got a new manager and he’s got a lot of connections in London, and it’s quite easy for me to get to the studio.
What’s next for you?
We’ve got a little Canada tour in November, and then an Australia tour in January. Then I think we’re working on a South America tour maybe early next year as well, so it’s constantly busy. Release-wise, I think I’ve got maybe two or even three albums ready! We’ve just gotta try to organise that.
Can you tell us about your In Session mix?
This is a selection of mostly unreleased material from me, plus a couple of tracks by others — enjoy!
Cody Currie’s debut album, ‘Lucas’, is out now. Check it out here
Gemma Ross is Mixmag’s Editorial Assistant, follow her on Twitter
Cody Currie (unreleased)
Cody Currie ‘Money’
Armando ‘151’
30/70 ‘All 4 U’
Cody Currie ‘Night sky’ ft Eliza rose
Cody Currie ‘That Stick’
Written by: Tim Hopkins