
Meet the winner of Mixmag and Edmwarrior’s Make It: Bass competition, Mykhailo Shkredov

today06/09/2024 1

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Could you share a bit about yourself and your journey as a music producer and artist?

My journey with music began with hip hop during a time when I was moving to a new country, with no connections or opportunities there. I started making mixtapes and simple beats for freestyling and recording my own material. At that point, I didn’t have a clear goal as an artist or producer, I was simply doing what I loved without knowing where it would take me.

What initially sparked your passion for music production, and how did you get started?

Since I started releasing my first tracks, I began receiving feedback from friends and acquaintances. It was incredibly rewarding to know that there were people who connected with my music and experienced different emotions while listening to my tracks, which motivated me to explore new genres and develop in various directions. I started up in a small room with bare concrete walls, equipped with just the minimum recording gear and far from ideal conditions. But as my skills and musical tastes evolved, so did my studio. Over time, both my workspace and my abilities grew, allowing me to delve deeper into music production and refine my sound.

Where do you draw inspiration from, and who or what has shaped your musical style?

The longing for home and friends has often fuelled my feelings, driving me to express myself through music. I gradually transitioned from classic hip hop and boom-bap to something much bigger. I began exploring new genres within bass music, like drum ‘n’ bass, UK garage, and 2-step. The atmospheric rhythms of Burial, the intense energy of Noisia, and the exceptional drum ‘n’ bass from UKF have all had a significant impact on my style. More recently, artists like Fred again.. and Overmono have also influenced my sound.

I don’t rely on specific references when working on music, my inspiration comes from the small details around me — people, the city, nature, and the emotions I experience. These elements come together to shape the music I create.

What message or feeling do you hope to communicate through your music?

I simply want to share emotions through my music. Music has the power to help us navigate different phases of our lives; it allows us to feel, enjoy, dance, and experience life in all its different aspects. My hope is that my music resonates with people and brings them whatever they need at that moment — whether it’s comfort, joy, or a reason to dance.

What are your future plans as a producer, and can you give us a hint about any upcoming releases?

I’m planning to release a lot of exciting projects this year. I also have plans to try my hand at DJing for my own live performances and release a couple of tracks with a label.

On August 16, my new track ‘Endless Echo‘ is coming out — it’s a melodic and beautiful drum ‘n’ bass piece featuring female vocals and a magical atmosphere.

My next project, titled ‘Taxi’, incorporates 2-step, UK garage, and trap. This track is themed around the chaos of traffic, the rush, and the madness of the city. It features Eastern motifs, aggressive bass, and intense energy. ‘Taxi’ will be released in early September on all music platforms.

Written by: Tim Hopkins

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