
​Trade union launched for nightclub workers in Berlin

today19/02/2024 3

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A trade union has been launched for Berlin nightclub workers in response to “predatory management practices”, Resident Advisor reports.

Named Berliner Clubarbeitenden Gewerkschaft, the trade union aims to negotiate better working conditions and create legal infrastructure for “club workers to find support”.

The union also aims to “open discussion for all members of the industry”, and “create a network of industry workers who can support each other”, according to an Instagram post.

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Berliner Clubarbeitenden Gewerkschaft opened a fundraising campaign in January to register as an official union after its launch in December, hitting its €200 quota in just three days.

“In just three days we have already reached our goal and can now officially register,” they announced. “The support we have received is inspiring, and we thank especially the 17 people who donated!”

Speaking to Resident Advisor, a union spokesperson explained that the formation of Berliner Clubarbeitenden Gewerkschaft was a needed response to “systemic burnout of workers and a hire-to-fire mentality”.

They said that the union looks to “provide support for club workers against often predatory management practices, such as union busting or wrongful terminations”.

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The union will offer “accessible” legal guidance, they told RA, and monitor working conditions within the club community, offering help when running into difficulties with a club.

Berliner Clubarbeitenden Gewerkschaft said that it has so far garnered interest and support from “almost every Berlin techno club”, encouraging those looking to become a member to reach out via Instagram.

The union is now officially up and running and looking for members to join. Berliner Clubarbeitenden Gewerkschaft plans to host a “rave demonstration parade” for Labour Day on May 1, a celebration and demonstration for fair labour conditions running since 1987 in Berlin.

[Via Resident Advisor]

Gemma Ross is Mixmag’s Assistant Editor, follow her on Twitter

Written by: Tim Hopkins

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