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Sick of waiting around to hear what your transition will sound like? In this video I explain how to use hot cues to jump straight to your transition points. This is not the way I would play live as personally I like having time to mix in, even tease in my new track and do EQ work, but when pre planning sets, and finding tracks that go well together, jumping straight to the transition point and even experimenting quickly with mixing different parts of each track can save a lot of time and no doubt you’ll have a tonne of fun in the process.
Which Parts I May Experiment with Mixing Together:
– Verse on outro
– Double drop
– Verse on drop
– Build up on outdo
– Verse / breakdown on verse / breakdown
– Chorus after chorus (eg: one chorus finishes, new chorus of new track kicks in)
Some of these may sound terrible, but with hot cues you can test any combination you like quickly and this is a great way to get to know tracks with effortless ease and maximum fun.
Written by: Tim Hopkins